How to move your math

or science class online today

This on-demand training is designed to help schools and colleges address the changes of distance or virtual learning.

Due to the emergency measures taken at schools and colleges across the country, faculty and teachers are suddenly faced with taking their courses to a remote synchronous or online format. This is particularly difficult for math and science teachers who have hands-on activities, graphs, equations, and much handwritten work from students to collect.

Almy Education is pleased to announce FREE on-demand training with leading math practitioner and virtual education expert Maria Andersen.

This training is engaging and tactical. It’s designed to give math and science teachers hands-on information to use immediately in a virtual environment.
Regardless of your eLearning experience, Maria’s expertise will allow you to move to a virtual environment with greater ease.


Additional FREE Resources from Almy Education

For more training resources visit the 

Almy Education Course Library
