FREE Webinar

IL Community Colleges:

Accepting students with transitional math placement

Every IL community college is required to accept the transitional math placement of a student who earns a C or better in a portable transitional math course. To make placement work for students and for college staffs, several areas of the college must implement changes.


In this free webinar, Kathleen Almy, former IL director for transitional math, will walk you through the steps so that your college is ready to accept transitional math students.

Sign up for the FREE Webinar today

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In this free webinar, you will learn: 

  1. Automating the inputting of portability codes

  2. Educating student services staff on changes

  3. Collaborating with IT to update affected prerequisites

  4. Registering existing high school seniors in the spring

About the instructor: Kathleen Almy

Kathleen Almy is the CEO and founder of Almy Educational Consulting. As math faculty with over 20 years of experience in high school and college classrooms, she brings her love of math and helping students succeed in college to every project she works on. She led local, state, and national initiatives for over a decade before starting her own consulting group. In her most recent position, she led the Illinois transitional math implementation required by a law and affecting over 700 high schools and nearly 50 community colleges.

Sign up for the FREE webinar: 

Accepting students with transitional math placement

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"Best PD I’ve had"

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"It was a great, well rounded workshop that involved many different aspects of teaching." 

OnRaMP Workshop Participant

"Really worthwhile. I just wish there was more time."

Taking STEM Online Participant

Additional free resources from Almy Education

How to write "non-Googleable" problems

Are you looking to improve your test-writing skill set and move beyond exercises that can be solved by technology (PhotoMath, WolframAlpha, etc.)? This training will teach you the elements of problems vs. exercises as well as how to convert existing exercises into problems. Come ready to create and work with other teachers.


Teach Algebra for the 21st Century

The free Contemporary Algebra Collection turns college algebra into an interesting and valuable course for students because of the help it can provide to other math-intensive courses and the analysis of data from modern companies and issues. The curriculum reframes algebraic manipulation through the technological resources of this century and uses Desmos to empower students to do their own data analysis (in all their courses). 


Contemporary Algebra Collection

The free Contemporary Algebra Collection turns college algebra into an interesting and valuable course for students because of the help it can provide to other math-intensive courses and the analysis of data from modern companies and issues. The curriculum reframes algebraic manipulation through the technological resources of this century and uses Desmos to empower students to do their own data analysis (in all their courses). 


How to Move Your Math Class Online

Instructor: Maria Andersen |  FREE on-demand training is engaging and tactical. It’s designed to give math and science teachers hands-on information to use immediately in a virtual environment. Regardless of your eLearning experience, Maria’s expertise will allow you to move to a virtual environment with greater ease.


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